Performance Tracking and Reporting

Performance Tracking and Reporting

These laws and requirements are related to performance tracking and reporting. Click on the title to open a page that features the full text of the law, as well as pertinent related resources.

Agency Reporting
Title Legal Authority Originating Legislation Summary
Agency Reports to DOE (EISA 432 Energy and Water Reports)

Agencies are to report annually to the U.S. Department of Energy on their activities under 42 U.S.C. § 8251 et seq., including information about progress toward achieving the goals established by 42 U.S.C. § 8253 and certain activities and challenges under 42 U.S.C. § 8256.

Annual Energy Report

Federal agencies must submit to the Office of Management and Budget an annual government efficiency status report on compliance with each of the requirements of 42 U.S.C.: status of the implementation by the agency of initiatives to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy costs, and lower greenhouse gas emissions and savings to U.S. taxpayers resulting from mandated improvements.

Energy Savings Performance Contracts

Each Federal agency shall periodically provide the U.S. Department of Energy with full and complete information about its activities under 42 U.S.C. § 8287 et seq.

Renewable Energy Report

Not later than April 15, 2007, and every two years thereafter, the U.S. Department of Energy is to provide a report to Congress on the progress of the Federal government in meeting the goals established under 42 U.S.C. § 15852. 

Fleet Management Reporting
Title Legal Authority Originating Legislation Summary
Compliance Report

Not later than February 15, 2006, and annually thereafter for the next 14 years, each Federal agency that is subject to the Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 2005 must prepare and submit to Congress a report that summarizes its compliance with the agency's alternative fuel purchasing requirements for Federal fleets under EPAct 2005 and includes a plan of compliance that contains specific dates for achieving compliance using reasonable means.

Federal Fleet Fuel Consumption Plans

Each Federal agency must develop a plan and implement the measures specified in the plan by dates specified in the plan to meet the required petroleum reduction levels and the alternative fuel consumption increases under the statute.

Planning and Management
Title Legal Authority Originating Legislation Summary
Federal Agency Energy Management Training

Each agency is required to establish and maintain a program to ensure that facility energy managers are trained energy managers.

Pollution Prevention and Solid Waste Reporting
Title Legal Authority Originating Legislation Summary
Toxic Chemicals

Annual toxic chemical release form.